City Campus


Co-Curricular Activities

At MPS, co-curricular activities are included with the academic curriculum so students develop skills and learn beyond subjects. Activities are intentionally merged with academics so that every child has the opportunity to participate, and become more engaged. This also provides children to learn in different ways.

Co-curricular activities are designed to bring about growth in physical, social and intellectual skills, moral values, personality and character development of each child. MPS teachers are expected to include in the academic calendar and lesson plans physical activities, PE and health sessions, cultural events, library events, science exhibitions, art and music sessions, various competitions, debates and spell bees, elocution and storytelling presentations.

MPS believes that at the tender age of primary level children, co-curricular activities play an extremely important part in their all round growth and readiness for the next level. The School has recruited specialized teachers in art, music, PE, ICT, and workshops are held on a regular basis where teachers share their expertise so all teachers are capable of handling various co-curricular activities.

With students and teachers learning and doing together there is never a dull moment!